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Witnessing Desert Storm Firsthand

How can I not be in awe of the Silk Road?

View A Thread of Silk on automidori's travel map.

Turpan, August 16th 2012

While the scene of deep wide whirling sandstorm in the valley was still fresh in mind, I walked down this road with relief. The sandstorm I experienced in Grape Valley Scenic Spot just now seemed to have died down.

I was looking for a money changer, because I was already running out of China Yuan. Nevertheless, like other cities in China, I found no money changer. Banks at that time of the day were closed. Well, I'll do that in Korla, I comforted myself. Then I stopped to buy a cup of instant noodle for breakfast in the train tomorrow morning.

"How much is it?" I asked. In Mandarin, of course.

"Shí kuài," I heard. So I handed the shopkeeper a 10 yuan bill.

"Bùshì. Sì kuài," she repeated. To my tone-poor ears, there is no difference between 'shí' and 'sì'. Luckily she signaled four with her fingers. In my disbelieve, I handed her four 1 yuan bills. The instant noodle I bought at Flaming Mountain yesterday was 7 yuan. Maybe that was because it included hot water. Anyway, this shopkeeper is so honest. She could have just taken my 10 yuan bill.

As we left Turpan downtown, the sky turned horrid. I rolled down my car window to take pictures and immediately a harsh blow slapped on my face. 7D could have capture greater shots, but I didn't want to risk it. I held G12 tightly on the window brim.

"Rain's falling," my driver said.

But I thought it must be more than just rain. Here's a better close up. It was my very first time witnessing such a tremendous phenomena of, people say 'mother nature', but I say, 'God's power'. Frankly speaking, I never use the word 'mother nature', because I know exactly who is in charge over nature.

In Wikipedia about storm it is said, "Desert Storms are usually accompanied by violent winds, and pass rapidly." The photo shown is similar to mine. Mine is more horrifying, though.

How would you be if you were there on the mountain dunes under the sky that seems to be leaking all over? How were the travelers of ancient Silk Road when a desert storm struck like this? I can't imagine. And yet, day after day, year after year, century after century, they kept on going back and forth from East to West, survived, and created history. How can I not be in awe of the Silk Road? How can I not fall face down and gasped, "YOU are my GOD." to the ONE who pour the storm through His palms?

Drops of rain hit my window glass and joint in:

Praise the Lord from the earth,
lightning and hail, snow and clouds,
stormy winds that do his bidding,
you mountains and all hills
kings of the earth and all nations,
you princes and all rulers on earth

Let them praise the name of the Lord,
for his name alone is exalted;
his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.

Praise the Lord.

Psalm 148:7-9, 11, 13 (NIV)

Posted by automidori 18:26 Archived in China Tagged china xinjiang turpan desert_storm

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